Scoring on Used Thiels here

Has anyone scored a great deal on used Thiels here lately?   With Thiel going under, there appear to be a lot of good deals on used THiels here for takers.   Anyone picked used Thiels up here recently and regretted it?

Just wondering.    Some of the used prices look too good to pass up.
Mapman, in the present marketplace CS 2’s Should be in mint shape to command $600. FYI, the CS 2’s have been Thiel’s most durable and reliable model. The impedance is one of the smoothest I’ve ever seen, 6 Ohms nominal, 5 Ohms minimal with a reasonable 87 dB sensitivity. Minimum suggested power was 40 Watts. Though technically easy to drive, sonically there’s a bit more to consider: the ported bass can be a bit soft if not driven with an amp with good damping, and the treble needs to be treated delicately. I haven’t heard your integrated, and I don’t typically like to over generalize like this, but Class D’s often are tight in the bass,so long as the impedance doesn’t drop too low ( no problem w/ CS 2’s) and the Class D’s often roll off the high’s a bit. Again way over generalizing Class D’s, but if it holds true, just might work very nicely indeed. FWIW, Jim Thiel thought Class D’s sonics should be limited to subwoofers. But a lot of time has transpired since then, and who knows perhaps he might have changed his mind, if he had the opportunity to hear the more recent offerings.
2.3s on US audiomart look very nice. Would only have to ship a few hundred miles....

They are big though. Probably more obtrusive than I’d like in that room.

They have to go in a particular location in that room, would be very close to rear wall and with an even taller solid wood cabinet immediately to the right, and on either side of a big screen TV sitting on a very solid but open wood stand. Not ideal for those I suspect. This is a second system after all in our family room and things need to not be obtrusive.

The cs1.6s would fit in nicely I think. I could just keep the sub. OR maybe hold out for 1.7s?

Gotta get it right. No rush.  What I have now sounds very good, but you know how it goes....

Thiel recommended at least 1' from the rear wall, at least 3' from side walls, and at least 8' from the listening position. Thiel recommended ideally, 3' from the rear wall, 5' from the side walls and 10' (he measured at 3 meters) from listening position. The little SCS's with their single co-axial driver was the most forgiving in this regard. Listening height is more of an issue (like most dynamic time coherent designs) than with other designs.
Go for it! mapman
excellent speaker traits and characteristics as above. I chose Thiel speakers for their inherently rich timbre of different instruments. The CS 2.4 is a real sweet spot in the modern line. I cannot comment on more vintage models. Keep me posted on the models that you audition.
Happy Listening!
Somewhat tight but the placement for 2.3 as unsound describes would probably work well enough.   SCS would be an easy swap using my current monitor stands there. WAF of SCS probably better but I’d like to find a way to go more full range and squeeze 2.3 or 2.4 in there somehow.