Mellow speakers for a digital piano

I have been trying to get my digital piano to sound more mellow instead of so sharp / tinny.

What I have been using are Focal CMS40 powered monitors and JBL LSR 305 powered monitors.
I get a nice clear sound but it is too sharp, yet.   I have tried EQ boxes and even that does not do it for me.

I hear piano sounds (internet) from various sources and I long for that sound from my piano.

I wish to find something I can put on a stand behind my piano and at ear level.

I have read things on this site that are encouraging but have no idea if what someone else likes is what I would like.    

Any thoughts ?
There was a Vienna Acoustic Mozart Grand for 800.00 listed a couple of days ago. It does piano unusually well. They are very musical speakers. It likes a good 70 watts and greater that double as speakers lower their impedance. So not real demanding of an amp. 
IMO, you're barking up the wrong tree using stereo speakers to amplify an instrument.  I would buy a pair of Roland keyboard amps.  I've been through this and two small amps gives much more spread and tonal weight than one larger amp.  Much more of the feeling of playing a real piano.  Also, they are much more subdued sounding than studio monitors.  I would get 2 of the ones with the 10" woofers.  $350 each.
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