altec Model 19’s and ss integrated

Hello all,

Recently acquired a mint pair of altec model 19’s. I’m looking for a ss integrated to power them. I already have a fully restored Sansui 1000a tube receiver hooked up to them but I want to move that elsewhere and use a more modern ss integrated. I’ve been looking at modwright, McIntosh and Hegel. I only own old vintage equipment and I would love to try out a nice modern integrated that would jive well with the altecs.

Thanks in advance. 
I was looking at a Vincent sv-800 hybrid also. Class a selectable. I find out they’re made in China and it turned me off. 
Kind of old school that way. Thanks for your suggestions. I’m kinda leaning towards a mc5200. 100wpc. Mc sound and if I dont like it I can recoup my money. 

The 100wpc McIntosh MA5200 won't give you the classic McIntosh house sound.  That model does not use the output transformers which gives that classic sound.
The Croft is really nice, I agree with helomech. I've not tried mine with my Altec's, but it is quite nice with my Harbeth P3's. You don't like the Linear Tube Audio thought... 
It doesn't use the autoformers but I've heard it's still pretty Mc sounding. 
I haven't heard one but if you have then I trust your opinion. I could go the 2105 amp with mx110z pre route. I'm trying to keep under 4k. 
The croft is intriguing. I've been doing some reading up on it. The sansui 1000a has around 40-50wpc of tube power. It's very powerful. I just wonder what 100-200wpc of these new ss integrated would sound like. 
I might stay with tubes. These 19's replaced the lascalas and I must say that there's no comparison. These speakers really put a smile on my face. The best vintage speakers I've ever owned. They beat my jbl l300's- my 2nd favorite pair.