- "Geoff recognizes when a tangential comment is made that is completely off topic. You obviously do not recognize irony either. It is clear you just do not get it."
So, not only are you speaking for Ozzy, but now you’re an agent for Geoff too?
Off topic, Jay? I asked you if you had ever held a 100% commissioned job in response to your prejudiced diatribe regarding used car salesmen. That kind of prejudice is based upon ignorance and fear. Its true that the average American is conditioned to not like and not trust salespeople, but that is based upon what, other than prejudice?
shadrorne sez ...
- "This blatant promotional advertising thread is like the energizer bunny. It just keeps going and going and going. Over 1000 posts....on and on and on. 100% commission sales requires some heavy promotional work I guess."
Its interesting that you continue returning to this thread, Shadrorne, while at the same time complaining that the thread "keeps going and going and going ...."
For what purpose do you continue posting in this thread? I’ve asked you continually what your intent is, and you have yet to answer it. You don’t believe in the product, have no intention of buying it, and yet, you continue to be disruptive in this thread. Why? Again ... what is your intent?
Yep, I have over 1000 posts, but geeze man, I’m just a piker compared with you and your 6627 posts. Kettle calling the pot black?