Quincy Jones Interview

“The only justification for looking down on anyone, is that you're going to stop and pick them up” - Quincy Jones

“I tell my kids and I tell proteges, always have humility when you create and grace when you succeed, because it's not about you” - Quincy Jones

“I was the most subtle person in the world” - Quincy Jones 

Something is wrong with this picture.

Sorry, I have to disagree humbly.  It is well documented that the beetles weren't very good musicians.  However, set that aside for a minute.  When you put excellent musicians that spent their life in classical or other music training in the same room with a bunch of people that didn't have such training, many times (not always), there will be a marked difference in skill sets.

That is what Quincy Jones is talking about.  It was probably a little anger over how really great jazz musicians weren't appreciated by the general public.  Mostly because, (yes I have to go there), it was considered Black music or Devil's music.  It was not mainstream and was not accepted by the younger people as much.

So, you see these less talented young people getting paid!!!! and the public going crazy (not all the public liked the beetles by-the-way).  The best musicians on the planet (Jazz and blues artist) weren't even noticed for various reasons.  some I mentioned earlier. and yes, that would be a sore spot for someone like Quincy.

Look at Miles Davis. When exactly did he really start to make real money?  Not accounting for horrible companies, managers, and payola.  It was probably around bitches Brew.  When He went more mainstream with fusion and other avenues.  Not pure jazz.  Couldn't make real money that way.

Younger people tend to not want to hear what older people (that were there and experienced it all) have to say.  they choose to believe what they want to believe instead of appreciating what the ones that were in the mix of it all saw, experienced and heard.

I remember some of the parties with the "beautiful people".  entertainers, athletes, wannabies, etc.  bowls of drugs on tables for anyone that wanted.  people slept with almost whomever they wanted.  it was really wild and crazy.  not in a good way. 

If you wanted to advance, you slept with people, you took drugs just to be part of the in-crowd.

I watched and learned, and didn't participate, but realized that once the door was opened to certain things, it was really hard for people to close it. 

Quincy Jones is one of the few remaining people that has been there and done that and bought the tee shirt. 

Again, if you can, go look at his albums when he was the producer.  See the names of the artist that clamored to be on each and every one of his albums.

Sinatra asked Quincy to produce him.  Sinatra!!!! man oh man.

Michael Jackson!!!!

So yeah, when he talks I would listen.  He didn't sound addled.  He sounded like he finally didn't care who's toes he stepped on. 

People put items and groups on pedestals.  The Beetles????  yes, I appreciate their music.  But great musicians??? no way. 

Because he was Black, James Brown had to agree to open for the new group the Rolling Stones.  James Brown opened for them when he was most popular.  That was only because he was black.  However, read the interview about the Rolling Stones.  They said that he naturally killed and they had to follow an impossible act.  They learned his style and used it.

It is what it is. 

so yes, I read a little anger and resentment in his interview. 

People are saying "why is he saying this now instead of earlier"  Well he did in some ways, I remember other interviews, but, also why are women coming forward now about sexual assaults that happened years ago?  Because they feel it is time and now the repercussions may not be as bad.  and maybe they feel it is time to get some things off their chest.  maybe.

Also, the interviewer asked him pointed questions.  He probably figured, what the hell, what do I have to lose?

Minori, it's Beatles, not beetles.  Paul developed into one of the finest bass players in rock.  George was a very good guitarist.  It's also inaccurate to say that jazz and blues players are the best in the world.  There are first rate musicians in all types of music.  Other than that, I largely agree with you.  The issue of race is an prominent undercurrent in the history of pop music in America, but it's my observation that many posters using this forum just can't deal with it.  But that is reflection of the larger society.

When it comes to Jazz and Blues players I was talking about back then.  I was not referring to the ones today. not taking away from anyone today, but that is not what I was talking about.  And in my opinion and many others, yes, they were the best.

Sorry about the misspelling of Beatles.

However, most rock musicians back in the day learned from the best Jazz and Blues players.  That is a known fact. and couldn't hold a candle to them back then.

I recently saw a documentary of rock musician side men (forgot the name) on Netflix I believe.  it was fantastic.  Those people could really play.  So yeah there are first rate musicians in every category.  has to be.  But, popular music is mostly bells and whistles and not skill.  not to say there aren't many that can really rock.

Also, to "develop" into a fine bass player is one thing.  But when you are sitting in a room with some of the very best and you are developing.  Well, again, that is what Quincy was talking about.  I don't disparage them their popularity and fame.  More power to them.

They had to learn their craft.  Sooner or later they had to play in front of people that know what they were hearing and seeing. So yeah, they did learn. 

And I do agree with you about the issue of race.  certain people can't or wont deal with it.  The believe what they want to believe instead of facts and see what they choose to see only.  it is sad and scary even now. 

But I'll stand by Quincy's assessments.  I've seen and heard similar.

Don't get me wrong.  I like and appreciate the Rolling Stones.  I can't believe they are still playing.

But to demand that James Brown who always (at that time) had sold out venues open for a newbie band most hadn't yet hear of was insulting. 

And yes, I can believe that at one time Jimmy Hendrix was "afraid" to play with those artist.  yeah, I can see that, at one time.  Doesn't mean he wasn't very good, but afraid, okay, i can see that.

This wasn't like when Prince was on stage with Clapton and many other established guitarist.  he blew them off the stage and showed the world that he was one of the best guitarist period.  his superbowl half time performance is still too me the best haft time performance. In a heavy rain, he didn't miss a step or beat and was outstanding.

I remember Ashford and Simpson (great song writers by-the-way).  I just didn't appreciate how good she really was until I hear her highlighted on Quincy's albums.  Wow.  what a voice.
