Sister's wants music system without the hassles!

Evening Goners',

My Sister loves to come over to listen to my system but when i try to explain it to her [she asked!] her eyes glaze over...

I have a nice pair of mint Red Rose R3 [the man!] speakers that i would love to put together an all in one system for her moderate budget!!
Amp, Preamp, dac, cd player, possible streaming , phono outlet .

She's an Analog gal but , with the right component, might venture into digital down the road.
Not anything complicated, just push a few buttons and sit back...:-)

Thanks to all who respond and i will then look each up...


Would you care to put together a complete system with digital streaming, a pair of speakers and a sub under $1200? And don’t forget the IC’s, speaker wires, power strip and rack.

BTW, have you actually heard a SONOS system?

And please don’t haste yourself with a rebuttal reply. Try n visualize these two system in a room. We are speaking of opposite gender that normally appreciates clean appearance, simplicity and good sound.

I completely with lalitk, the opposite gender portion in particular, KISS. Now wasn't that easy?
Post removed 
Naim unitiqute.  Has amp, preamp, DAC, streaming, phono, and an app to control it.  30wpc.  I have one for sale on my local craigslist I’ll be happy to help you get if you want to go that route.  Currently listed for $775.  I’m in DC area.