Why are so many people trying to sell Harbeths?

These speakers have their devotees to be sure, but it looks like a lot of people are falling OUT of love with them. It's a trend I've noticed here on Audiogon. Opinions?
Murphy the cat, I am not saying Wilson or Magico is a rip off. I am just saying that Harbeth is a bargain compared to Wilson or Magico.
I have had in my room with wilson audio cub 2, my amphion one18 at 3k absolutely destroy them.
wilsons were what, 10k new?

Selling a speaker 30k is a rip-off no matter how good it is.
Used Harbeth's, I don't think so.  I've been trying to buy a used pair of 40.2s with no luck.  Everything for sale is mainly new ones from dealers. 
The line has been around a while, gets lots of praise and this is  the place to sell them to people who will appreciate them most.  

I've only heard them once, the newer monitors at CAF last year.   I liked the sound, as spot on as any at the show, and style  but pricey.   THey made my list of speakers I am interested in trying someday.
Because there are much better speakers such as Magico however they are still pretty good.Enjoy!!