What is considered a "standard" percentage of devaluation per year foor high end speakers?

As the title of the thread indicates, what is a standard devaluation per year of high end speakers in generally  good condition. 

Often, on Audiogon, sellers ask for 50-to 65% of the retail price for speakers that are between 7-10 years old (or even discontinued) regardless, whether they paid retail or not. 

I realize that condition and the number of owners is a determining factor, and it should be. 

Thank you,  S.J.

another variable is how often the manufacturer changes models, or changes a speaker without a model change designation...some 7-10 year old speakers are still current, some have been upgraded/changed a number of times...
I think you also have to look at value from the buyers perspective:

1.  How much shipping am I going to have to pay
2.  What has been the average time a similar loudspeaker has taken to resell...as an example on audigon
3.  How well known and reviewed is the loudspeaker
4.  Do I have a couple of equally interesting alternative loudspeakers that I'm interested in
5.  How much do I trust the seller

These are just a few...therefore, as a seller, you can easily see how your actual selling price might range from 40-70%.

jbl studio speakers hold best value decades. best investment. the same reason i purchased fj-cruiser.