A vote for the little guy suppliers

Over the years, either by desire or luck, I've managed to gravitate to small volume gear suppliers, most of whom have extensive engineering degrees and operate without advertising or retail entanglements.

I think I have found (with much help from forums like this) the pieces I will be retiring with and I couldn't be happier or more content with my system.  Other than one final turntable change which I promised myself at retirement, I'm done.  

My speakers, phono stage, cartridge SUT, preamp, amp, and cables are all from individual designers, all made in the USA.  I have either met in person or have had multiple phone and email encounters with all of them.  I really like this approach and I'm convinced that great equipment at reasonable pricing can be had this way.  I've had to endure longer wait periods after ordering due to each of them not having factories behind them to mass-produce the gear.  None of them inventory product and most of the gear is really a custom order.  

Only my current TT/cartridge and SACD/CD player are from well known large firms.   

Anyone else like having relationships with their suppliers?  In case anyone is curious:

     Speakers      - JansZen Valentina/zA2.1 hybrid ESL

     Phono stage - custom build by Don Sachs

     SUT              - Bob Devices SKY 20

     Preamp         - Linear Tube Audio MZ2-S

     Amp              - Linear Tube Audio ZOTL40

     Cables          - Cerious Technologies Graphine Extreme speaker, power, and interconnects

My sources are both Marantz units.  The new TT will likely be Technics 1200G.  Current primary cart is a Lyra Delos

Fritz from Fritz Speakers is a one man shop from Southern California. I recommend anyone in the area to give him a call. He'll come over with a couple of pairs of his monitor speakers for a listening session. You can pop open a couple of beers and conversate in all things audio. 
I bought my Merlin TSM BME's from Rich Brkich at Signature Sound last year. He basically built an all new Merlin up to the latest (and last) edition for me using an older Merlin cabinet but with all new components and built to Bobby Palkovich's specs. He was straightforward, very communicative and overall was a wonderful transaction with him. I would recommend him to anyone looking to upgrade their older Merlin's or to purchase equipment as well (he's a dealer for various manufacturers).  
Quicksilver Audio , great support , even better gear.....  I love my Mid Mono amps.