TO BE OR NOT TO BE the user of a record clamp

I'm going to open a new can of worms that will make you sure, I just can't hear.  Please give me good reasons to use a record clamp.  I have seen them advertised for thousands of dollars.  The best reason I've heard so far is that a certain type will drain any electo-static energy from your LP.
My records are not warped, except for an occasional waver on some when looking at record level at the outer most portion of the it, and those are far and few between.  Even then, the clamp has no affect,on flattening out the record.  I can see where they may be very useful, when playing a warped LP, but other than that, I see no reason for it's use.  I can see where it makes a good solid connection to the platter.  I don't have any slip, when the record is playing.  Maybe I have it, but just can't see it.  Are they like seat belts on a car?  Better to use them than not?  Are they like a properly mounted speaker.  It needs to be very solid?  I can understand that.  The record more or less becomes part of the platter.  They become as one.  Be sure to read this last part, because as I'm writing this, I can see where it can actually makes the platter solidly attached to the record.  I think I just answered my own question.  But thousands of dollars for a clamp?  I have talked to several people, trying to explain how tweeks, not matter how small, add them all together an wow.
Some tables are designed to operate with a clamp! Plus, I have had great results using a J.A. Michell clamp on a REGA P3 with upgraded acrylic platter. So , If you don't Love your record puck/weight/clamp then your using the wrong one :-)

Matt M
I have been using the Audio Technica Record Weight that I bought new ($20) in 1978. Presently on my Pioneer PLX1000.  Before that on my Ariston RD11S. I like the way it couples the record to the platter. I use it as a matter of habit - like buckling up a seatbelt! Can't hurt! But spending thousands (Shun Moon Brierwood - $3000!) would certainly be foolish! Another clever ploy to cheat the gullible!