Here is the reply I received straight from VPI:
"Hey helomech, yes there was a time we had essentially a "mini power supply" in the table. It won’t work with the Phoenix or SDS. The ADS was made while keeping in mind we had models out there with the mini PS board in there so it works but honestly... save the money, don’buy any of it and put the money in the cartridge (great cart for the money IMHO) and you will have a much greater jump in your sound improvement. Overall hope you’re enjoying the table."
He was referencing the Sound Smith cart I was considering at the time, a cart that didn’t turn out to be so great.
I should add that the Phoenix Engineering guy (maker of the Falcon PSU) said that these tables with the "mini power supply" (the tables compatible with the ADS) won’t benefit from any speed controller whatsoever, because the built-in power supply regenerates any input signal and negates any possible improvement.