You're welcome. And thank you for the soundstage review. The majority of the write up is a regurgitation of what has already been said/written regarding the analog A version, however, there is enough opinion (which I agree with) in the comparisons and conclusion category to glean that the reviewer believes the upgrade is clearly worthwhile.
Thanks for your feedback after your dissection of the analog board photos. The answer to your question, as I understand it, is "yes and maybe". Any *new* Yggy shipping as of October 2017 contains the new analog B board. "B" stock Yggy's are rarely available. No surprise there. I have no idea whether a "B stock" item would be analog A or B, but I'd imagine it could be either. The serial number of analog A Yggy's begin with an "A", while analog "B" begins with a "B". So it would be no secret to the buyer of a "B stock" unit.