Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I suspect it might have been more of an opportunity for the end user to make things worse. Still, I can't help but wonder if the models with bass boosting eq's might not have had some different considerations.
Good to see you again- rcprince
are you still using the CS3 speaker in your system?
Happy Listening!
Thanks! for posting jon_5912
Any speaker that requires bi/tri-wiring would not interest me either.
JT was very wise in his approach to loudspeaker building.
Happy Listening!
David Fox sent me a photo of the CS3 with dual binding posts. Indeed that speaker, #539,  would have been built months into the product life-cycle, and I would have been the person who made the silk-screen and punch jig for that plate . . . Hmmm . . . Be that as it may, feedback developed from reviewers, retailers and end-users citing problems that we couldn't replicate in the lab, and all turned out to be various forms of cable interaction anomalies. The coherent source architecture shone a light on problems that are just not audible under other playback paradigms. At some point (?) we quit the bi-wire game to mixed reviews.

As unsound says, there is value to splitting the signal, especially the equalized signal. For full disclosure, I am bi-wiring (present tense) my ceiling-mount PowerPoint recording studio room monitors as an attempt to preserve the transient edge of the tweeter from the deleterious effects of current draw from the woofer. Mike Morrow is making a cable where all conductors are braided together while having separate signal paths for the tweeter and woofer feed, so the entire bundle (12' long) experiences the same EMF environment, resistance path, capacitive and inductive envelope, etc. while segregating the signal paths. In my imaginary life, I would bring in my audio engineer super sidekick to measure, document and publish the paper elucidating what is learned in an A-B-C scenario of various forms of wire in my controlled, measurable, recordable situation. But, alas, life is short and priorities sing their own songs. In that song, Mike and I agreed that this solution is worth a try. I'll report my experience.

jafant:  No, but I sold them to a neighbor in NJ who has since moved here in Williamsburg, so I get to visit them from time to time.  Still nice speakers, though had I the money at the time I would have gotten the 3.5s.

It's nice to see Tom Thiel on this forum.  The CS3s were the first real high end components I owned, and my wife objected to the light teak finish (she also thought they were too big, so imagine how she felt when I replaced them with Duntech Princesses!), so I called Thiel to see if it was possible to stain them darker.  I spoke with Tom, who told me it wouldn't be very successful, and sending them back for a new veneer wouldn't be cost effective (he ultimately suggested tongue in cheek that I just get CS 3.5s in rosewood finish).  Tom's woodworking on the speakers was immaculate--the grains were beautifully matched.  An extremely well designed and made product--I'm sad to see it gone.