Anyone replace the power cord on 1200G?

Just curious if anyone has tried this?
@tzh21y  Curious, why did you replace the Technics mat so soon? Are you hearing a difference with the Boston Mat?

Glad to see you tweaking the Technics. Let us know about the improvements.
Its off, trust me about an 1/8th inch.  Maybe it was just me and I eyeballed it wrong but it did seem off quite a bit.  Just trying different mats.  The original rubber mat is actually not bad at all.  I also have a cork music hall mat and the funk firm achromat.  Waiting for the Delos to run in.  It only has little under ten hours on it.  The arm is very good on this table.  I know Ralph likes the Triplanar.  I bet it would sound amazing on this table but the stock arm is no slouch.  One thing I am hearing is how good older recordings sound on this table.  Originals for the fifties, Living Stereo stuff is just amazing. Silky violins just incredible.  I have been told this table needs at least 200 hours to really start to hear the potential.  It sounds pretty good right now.
Right now playing an original copy of Saint Saens Symphony No. 3  RCA LSC 2341 with Boston symphony.  Great recording.
@tzh21y Either explain what it's "off" from, or please stop spreading misinformation.