I’m approaching 2 weeks into this tube roll and I have a better understanding of what the KT150s do.
The KT150s in the PL Dialogue Premium HP are a great match. It’s not easy to go back to other powertubes. I had to for a day as I dropped one when taking it out. In this amp (in my room, etc.) the KT150s just sound better. The power allows imaging and soundstage to be bigger and more controlled. The bass is without question more robust and controlled than I’ve ever heard with tubes or with 2 SS integrateds with my speakers.
While I can’t say what others would like, I can certainly say that rolling KT150s in this amp create a big change. It’s really something owners should experience. I think the change could keep me out of the upgrade game for some time as it’s made such an improvement in sonics.
Using a combination of Mullards and Ciftes 12AU7s in the first four slots with the KT150s really dials things in to my liking.
What’s kind of surprising is the KT150s are not edgy, harsh, bright, etc. They just add more dynamics, control, authority, size and precision to imaging.
If anyone wants to buy a matched octet of Gold Lion KT88s, which I purchased from Upscale (not cyroed), PM me. They cannot have more than 300 hours on them as they are less than a year old and I ran them in rotation with 7581As, 2 types of EL34s, and now the KT150s. Such a great tube that I don’t think I’ll use with moving in the KT150s.