A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx

I enjoy reading this fellow (Richard Hardesty)


"Accuracy," as defined by Stereophile's founder and Chief Tester, J. Gordon Holt, is "The degree to which the output signal from a component or system replicates the sonic qualities of its input signal. An accurate system reproduces what is on the recording, which may or may not be an accurate representation of the original sound."

Each of us should purchase what gives us the most pleasure. However, accuracy can mean only one thing. I think JGH got it right when he wrote that several years ago.
Yeah, they sound much better in glossy black; in any other color they wouldn't be a match for the Wilsons. You have a finely tuned pair of eyes and ears.
Rhb, thats a very good information,Ive been wondering
what accuracy means, in terms of audio.Finally I do
agree on this definition.
I dont own Wilson though, but I did hear them on some
occasion, they do sound good to my ears, and look good
to my eyes.
As an audiophile, I like to know how speakers are being
built,what parts they use,because couple of years ago
my friend bought a cd player for 3k, when he open it,
He told me, If he knew whats inside,He will never pay
3k for it.Just a caution I guest.
Early this summer my wife and I had a chance to listen to the Wilson MAXX2 premiere at Overture's in Wilmington DE. Robert Harley was also there. All three of us were sitting listening along with some others. The Meridian representative was spinning the CDs. I personally thought like Hardesty the bass definition was something to be desired, but who am I to be critical? My wife who has hearing like a cat, thought the highs were excellent and not tiring. But in the end it did not excite me or her in any meaningful way. I have heard both the Sophia and the WATT/Puppy and both had the same bass difinition problem.
I guess like Hardesty I want honesty in a speaker, in some ways the Wilson's are bold and over the top, but are they my definition of high end? No

The one thing that I do not understand is Robert Harley's take on this speaker because he pronounced this a great speaker. Which if this is true, it is a 180 degree switch, because prior to this his liking was the Avalon Acoustics sound which is about as different as you can get from Wilson Audio. Two entirely different sounds!!!

Don't worry dudes..... The Avalon Isis is probably going to be reviewed soon.....and the winner of best sound is....
to be continued and continued and continued.....ain't audio great!!!
Cytocycle and bigjoe,
Now thats funny ! My undergraduate was in economics. I spent time in sales. Now I am anethesiologist having trained at one the the finest U.S. programs. 11 years into private practice and dealing with the business of medicine on a day to day basis after having seriously studied world economics I doubt that you can teach me much about healthcare economics OR capitalism.
Ordinarily I don't mind manufacturers imposing a special "tax" on rich people seeking what we euphamisticly call "pride of ownership". In this forum ,however, I was trying to point out that Wilsons price is way above any sane intrinsic valuation and that better can be had for much less because I thought it might be HELPFULL to someone. Bigjoe - My "system" includes Wilson-Benesch Chimera speakers(burled walnut) $23,800 retail , Gryphon Antileon signature amp $24,000 retail, CJ 16s2 pre $8500 (soon to be Act 2 14'000 retail) hardly a "chinese integrated" from ebay. I chose these because I loved them.Other than the CJ there was precious little marketing and no reviews to "guide" me. As an aside, these are all real manufacturers. Also, as an aside, I think the tone of this discussion (calling people you disagree with socialists or denigrating their gear when you have NO KNOWLEDGE of either) is beneath us .I for one am here to help and to learn -period. If I have offended any I am sorry - Jim