Small room electrostat/ planar speaker?

In about 30 days will be moving to a new home where its going to be hard to make my 1.7 maggies work in a spouse friendly way ( the only large room is the main living room). I've always gravitated to planars and electrostatics, box speakers that don't sound colored or slow usually cost more than my entire system. Where I'd like to end up is a system that's extremely resolving at low to moderate volume levels, my main dissatisfaction with my current Mg 1.7 speakers and Prima Luna amp is that it really doesn't come to life until the volume is moderate listening levels or higher.

I'm wondering if anyone has seen something that approaches the coherency and speed of the 1.7s that would work in an 11x12 listening room? I'd like to keep the cost limited to $4k if possible.

For a while I was searching for a pair of the ET LFT-6, the biggest panel Bruce made. Over 6' tall, each panel contained three of the LFT drivers, two of the ribbon tweeters. The only pair I found for sale were in Asia, and the shipping plus not being able to hear them scared me off.

@aniwolfe, I think the same about the LFT-16a, a miniature version of the LFT-8. I've mentioned them a few times, but it takes a certain amount of independent thinking and self confidence to even consider them. A lot of people need confirmation (;-), and end up buying Maggies.


Thanks I was wondering if I could just get the panels. I think single panels would be fine given I have Zeros.


ppreciate the advice and spoke to Bruce but he is no longer selling panels separately. Too bad, that would have been ideal for my project.
@clio09, I have a nice pair of the LFT-4 I could let go. Research that model, and if you're interested maybe we can do some horse trading!
Essence Electrostats are extremely transparent, are ( about) 12 inches wide by 2inches deep ( the panels) and 48 inches tall.   Quads in sound but only $2000 shipped from Netherlands.