Cd storage / backup

Suggestions for backing up over 500 CD's that I own.
Love to sell them and free up alot of space in my home.
Would like to build as a library, easy look up, easy access.
Prefer to both play and burn from the device.
Idea would be to have this accessible via wifi in my home to play thru multiple systems.
Any thoughts??
I saw this a few days ago:
Acronova Nimbie USB Plus

I don't know if it's worth the cost but for those with huge CD collection, it may come in handy.

All the best,
Hi @bsimon,

I use and really like this system for storing CDs.
Keeps the liner notes and the physical experience of looking through your library while saving A LOT of space. 

As for ripping everything, has anyone used The Brennan B2? It looks pretty rad:

And as others have said, ripping your library and selling the CDs is illegal and not nice to the artists. 

Hey All

I’m new to the forums. So - hello!
I personally have trepidation putting the master cd in a spindle. That might not be the best look. There is a high propensity they might get scratched. Yes I’m a firm believer in Murphy’s Law. 
My collection of cd’s probably averages 400 plus. 
I have purchased the booklets too store the cd and liner notes. The jewel cases neatly go in my closet. The cardboard sleeves are carefully placed in a credenza. I could not fathom selling my collection. Too much research. Definitely a emotional connection here. Though your mileage may vary. 

I’ve ripped most of my collection on a 2 terabyte SSD MacBook Pro. The laptop feeds the DAC via a mid range usb. The DAC preamp jumps to a integrated amp. All hardwired. Wireless is the future. I’m just not there yet 

I hope this info helped. - I’m still new to the crossover of laptop/servers as well. I think eventually I’ll go for the “Channel D - Pure Music” software  for Mac OS. 

Best of luck!!!


Post removed 
There is a high propensity they might get scratched.

Hi jred. Welcome to the forum!

If a disk is used often, the propensity to becoming scratched is always present, regardless of how it’s stored. Storage on a spindle becomes particularly viable in scenarios where one is "archiving" the media for backup, as the OP conceivably would do. For disks that are used regularly, naturally it can be more convenient if the disk is individually packaged in its jewel case.

As for aesthetics, that of course is a personal preference. If "art work" (booklet that accompanies the CD) is a necessity, obviously that too has to be dealt with accordingly and can to a certain extent dictate storage options.

Invariably though, the larger ones collection of CDs becomes, the more compelling it becomes to find a solution that does not involve jewel cases. In fact, at some level when ones collection grows into the many thousands, one can become compelled to get rid of CDs altogether and instead just store the data on an external drive, in a compressed and lossless format.

Point is, for those with seriously large music collections, physical space and scalability of space is definitely an issue to be reckoned with.

Not to muddy the thread by going off topic, but this is a big reason I don’t have/use vinyl albums but use digital in the first place. Space!

And for those with the "Crème de la crème" in audio - reel-to-reel tapes - where 30 minutes of music is on media larger than a frisbee, typically these folks have relatively few reels (and hence not much music) or they are extremely wealthy and have significant dedicated "library" space.