Diana Krall

I was in Fort Lauderdale last Thursday and saw/heard Diana Krall.  Second time, first was in Wilkes Barre PA after Wallflower cd, this one after her recent one.  Two quite different concerts, both outstanding.  This one was "jazzy", an upright bass, a drummer, guitarist, fiddle/violinist (and a pianist/vocalist).  5 great musicians on the stage, and a wonderful singer.  She is wonderful live.  Highly recommended, as equipment reviewers often say.  Worth the price of admission.  
Well maybe I did lay it on a bit thick , hifiman 5 .

To be dead honest the contrast between her and Ray on this love song
 was ludicrous .
I second the Shirley Horn "Here's to Life", a true masterpiece. She is an amazing artist.
I am listening to an album titled "The Love I’m In" by Kate Reid. Kate Reid has a very similar style as Diana Krall but Kate is so much better at phrasing and emotion. If you like Diana you owe it to yourself to listen to this album by Kate Reid. You can easily find her on any of the streaming services. These two artists are so close in style it is amazing but so far apart in "soulfulness". Just listen to "With Every Breath I Take" from this album or almost any other cut. This album is so much better than anything I have heard from Diana but so very similar in style that it is a real education listening to both artists.