Lampizator evolution

3-4 years  ago, Lampizator DACs were all the rage and consumed a lot of space on this forum. Not so much today. What has happened?
The company now offers the Amber II model for just under $2;000. Did this DAC benefit from trickle down technology and become a great sounding, reasonably priced DAC?  Have any Lampi owners compared its sound to the earlier generations of Lampizator? Is the Amber II a no-brained purchase for someone (like me) wanting a killer DAC at a very reasonable price?
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Digital source components (servers, dacs, etc.) have been on a steep performance improvement trajectory during the entire time period you mention.  Not only have the Lampizator models changed/improved but so have many other DAC implementations and brands.  Most brands have benefited from trickle down technology.  You can indeed get 2014's $5K performance for about $2-3K today.  Lampizator DACs have a sound that does appeal to many but no single brand or type of DAC has a "house sound" that appeals to all.  I recommend listening before you buy.
i have an Atlantic II
gives my $8k Aesthetix Pandora SIG a decent go
for $2k
a steal IMO

I’m jealous. A little familiar with Aesthtix brand. Awesome equipment. Looked at Lampizator site and see Atlantic and Amber II but don’t see an Atlantic II. Did you mean Amber II? Have to ask .....why the need for  2 DACs?
I own the Lampizator Amber II.  It is tubed rectified and also has the super clocks installed.  It is gorgeous sounding and is "far better - different league" than the PS Audio MKII, Auralic Vega and Exogal Comet with external power supply I have owned.  I believe it replaced the Lampizator 4 and Lampizator 5 models.  I have audio friends who own much more expensive DACs from well known high end companies and it does not take a back seat.  As mentioned above no one DAC will please every one.