Buying they vary???

Been posting about degrading tubes. Thinking I'm in need of new.

Sites like and the are out there. I spotted Electro-Harmonix 6550 tubes on By name these are the same as the ones I have in my Conrad Johnson Premier 12 mono block power amps that Conrad Johnson sold me.

Would they perform just the same? You would think so but perhaps I'm missing something. Also, a suggestion of where to buy replacements would be greatly appreciated.

Certainly need to get the performance that I got when I bought those Electro-Hamonix from Conrad Johnson at the end of the day...

Thank you!

I too would suggest either CJ (if you want the same sound you had when you bought the amps) or, if you want to try vintage tubes, Andy at Vintage Tube Services.  Andy would certainly be able to suggest tubes that would suit your tastes, as he's very knowledgeable about which tubes will give the desired result in your amps.
Appreciate the responses folks, thank you! Yep, will have to take a look at Vintage Tube Services.

Thank you!
Andy is great and sells top quality NOS tubes, but I don't think he sells new production power tubes.
If the tubes in your CJ say EH 6550, then you can replace them from one of the reputable dealers. The key is in testing for the lowest noise and microphonics, then matching the tubes. I'm sure that's what CJ is doing and charging a higher price.
Power tubes do more so than the smaller signal tubes IMO and why you buy matched sets.

Aside from the Tubedepot 

+1 on Brent Jesse
and will add tctubes, and thetubestore