A bit of a late post here. I have been listening to a Hurricane High Current cord for about five days now (as of 2/25/18), replacing an AQ NRG 1000, from wall into stereo amp (Aesthetix Atlas Eclipse, Vandersteen Model Seven MkII speakers). Not knowing what to expect, I’ve found that it’s made a very significant improvement in my system’s sound. Better sound staging, tighter dynamics, much better resolution, tighter and more prominent bass, more separation of instruments, more 3D, and (to abandon official audiophile language) a move into a distinctly more "luxurious" sound. The place is drenched with this beautiful, flowing music, stretched across the eleven feet between speakers and several feet back in.
Yes, this is more of a comment than a "review" since it omits comparison with other cables except NRG 1000, and also omits more detailed evaluation of such things as vocals, treble, midrange, proportion, instruments and specific instruments, etc.. However I think my non-audiophile description above implies no observed problem with any of these areas. I also feel my system, while not at a stratospheric level, is easily at a high enough level to render these improvements readily audible, and my observations to have some validity. At any rate, offered to be helpful, and with the recognition that there are no doubt many other high quality cables.
Jim Heckman