dynaquest4"Well...you know when you pause a CD or up-cue the tonearm on a record and then turn the volume way up? That hiss and other interfering noise that you don't hear at all....it fixes that."
This is an apparent effort at what the contributor presumably believes is a humorous post but all it really is in effect is another snide remark towards those who know more than him and even more importantly have actually conducted thorough, hand's on, scientific exploration into the very nature of carbon fiber including its properties and applications in Music Reproduction Systems. What this carefully conducted research reveals is just as expressly claimed here regarding its inherent abilities to reject substantial quantities of RFI and EMI which have been empirically shown to have a deleterious effect on Music Reproduction Systems. Those who postulate to the contrary from the comfort of their sofa should consider avoiding making their statements as though they are revelations of fact and instead endeavor to express their opinions while making clear they are only opinions and avoid the belittling of those who are embedded in research.