Harbeth’s sound good with both solid state AND tube amplification. It all comes down to personal preference. I’ve owned Harbeth’s for about eight years (SHL5’s and two pairs of 40.1’s). In that time, I’ve used or tried three solid state amps/integrateds and six tube amps/integrateds... and while all of the amps sounded good, I preferred tube amps by a sizeable margin.
The other area of disagreement when it comes to Harbeth’s is amplifier power. Many are adamant that Harbeth’s need high power to sound their best. Alan Shaw implies that any run of the mill 100 wpc amp will
work fine. I think the "quality" of watts is more important that "quantity" of watts... excluding flea power and SET amps.
Here is how I’d rate the amps I’ve used with my Harbeth speakers:
- VAC 70/70 Signature (68 wpc)
- VAC 30/30 MK III Signature (32 wpc)
- Music Reference RM9 MK2 (125 wpc)
- McIntosh MC275 MKV (75 wpc)
- VAC Phi 200 (125 wpc)
- Bryston 4BST (250 wpc)
- Plinius SA-102 (125 wpc)
- Jolida 1501 Hybrid integrated (100 wpc)
- McIntosh MA2275 tube integrated (75 wpc)
I don’t care about accuracy and neutrality... I just care how it sounds.