best way to connect pc to dac

I currently stream TIDAL from a windows laptop that is connected to a Brooklyn DAC with an entry level Kimber USB cable then to my preamp with Kimber Heros.

Are there better solutions? I only have USB ports on my laptop. 

thanks for your knowledge...

I am with @kalali. There are much better inexpensive options to stream music nowadays instead of relying on your laptop. Unless you’re willing to treat that USB signal with a external reclocker and isolate the noise, you’re better off starting with something like Bluesound Node 2. 

I don’t know your rest of the system, but you have a very decent DAC. All you need is a dedicated streamer and Node 2 will give you the convenient and easy ‘noise’ free streaming experience.  

If you do decide to go Node 2 route, I would suggest buy a Digital Coax cable to connect your DAC with Node 2. The Node 2 has a very decent internal DAC but it’s probably not as good as Brooklyn. 

I heard Empirical Audio sells a killer Digital Coax cable under $300. 

Hope this helps!
I don’t know about the Node 2 but I can tell you that the sound coming from my Sonos vía coax to a Hegel 25 sounds terrible compared to my iMac via usb to the Hegel. 
I'm using a Mytek Brooklyn to stream Tidal.  I've tried multiple USB cables in a blind test and found HUGE differences between them. Image was the biggest impact.  The one I use is custom made so that's not going to help you much but it's OCC Silver.  Big investment but worth every penny.  I encourage you to research hi end USB's... 
Post removed 

Ethernet or WiFi. Get a stand-alone interface, DAC or server with Ethernet interface, either a DLNA endpoint or a Roon RAAT endpoint.

Best SQ I have found is using Twonky or Minimserver using Linn Kinsky to a DLNA endpoint. I have designed 6 generations of USB interfaces and Ethernet is better. Here is a recent comparison I did:

You can use any computer, Mac or PC to stream to a DLNA endpoint.

You can also get Roon Ready endoint devices and stream to them from Roon software.

If you don’t mind a little DIY, you can get a Raspberry Pi board and a SD memory card on and a Digione Hat board and have a DLNA or Roon endpoint in an afternoon for about $150. Everything you need to know is online. This will output S/PDIF to your DAC.

If no DIY talent, then get a Sonos Connect and a Synchro-Mesh reclocker to drive low-jitter S/PDIF to your DAC. You can use Roon, Twonky, Minimserver, Sonos and other software to stream your music to the Sonos.  you can stream Tidal too.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio