Need passive aggressive advice

To scratch an itch of mine I purchased a preowned Placette passive device and now I'm hooked!
Passives are very system dependent as we all know but I'm stoked on what its doing, or should I say, not doing in my Horn/300B system,
Since I can't leave well enough alone, I'm looking at more "modern" passive designs and have narrowed it down to three of them.
1) latest from Tortuga
2) " The Truth" from the Horn Shoppe
3) Axiom with Walker mods
All with remote. A MUST for me.
I'm assuming that they will all surpass the vishay placette in transparency. ASSUMING.

Appreciate any and all suggestions/comments/alternatives.

Thanks for your time


I suggest that you try a TVC which is also considered passive. It will be a really good fit in your highly sensitive system.
So my Tortuga arrived this past Saturday. Hoorah! But it crapped out last night. Boo!
Hey. These things happen and I’m sure Tortuga will make things right.
The Placette sold quickly. So another week or so sans music. Boo!
Sonically between the two, Tortuga had a slight edge and with its ability for impedance matching on the fly made it a clear winner.

I’m thinking of ordering the Schitt Saga as some have mentioned here.
The ability to go passive or active via a 6SN7 seems pretty cool. Nice to have that option. Just cant get my head around the $349 price tag.
Then there’s the Freya if I insist on spending more money. I have on email out to Schitt asking if in passive mode if there is any difference sonicwise.

Having owned a Placette, we know there's no going back. It wasn't until I heard the Atma-Sphere MP-1 preamp that I made a switch. In hindsight, it's the phono preamp in the MP-1 that's the king. If Atma-Sphere built a stand alone phono preamp, I might still have the Placette.
The phono section of the MP-1 is designed to work with a line section. If you have a high output cartridge it could drive a power amp to clipping, but no with LOMCs. The thing is, the interconnect cable is a huge variable with passives, and the line section of the MP-1 can tame interconnect cables quite well.

IOW, the MP-1 is intended as a stand-alone phono reproducer, although it does have auxiliary inputs.