New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):

T_ramney, no I don’t have the matrix nor the gc2, i will attend the Axpona 2018 , hopefully Teo will bring their G2, Honestly iam super happy to both, I can’t afford the matrix, I think if the G2 is just even a bit improvement of the GC, for the price can’t beat it.
I ordered the GCII and they are currently in route to me and hopefully will have them by Monday and will be able to compare to the original GC. I had the CT GE ic’s and much preferred the GC’s. 
As a previous owner of both the original GC and Splash Rs, I have a pair of Ultra's being made; hard going back to traditional wire after hearing a drastic improvement over the best wire I had during that time...

I have a demo'd Ultra Interconnect. I just listened to it last week immediately after Installing in my system. Within a few seconds I could here the difference over my previous cable the TEO Game Changer.....not kidding you will notice immediately a big difference. Only listened to last Saturday night and the following day so far. I plan to listen extensively this weekend. I am not sure how far along my cable was in the breakin process as it was demo'd out to some listeners be for I purchased it. Everything seemed about 2 notches better More details, larger soundstage with beautiful vocal and instrument textures and what I would describe as more layers of sound. Makes me wonder what the Kronon and others must sound like further up the Teo line. Makes you think of moving up there line next time instead of component upgrades...I am not kidding! I would definitely recommend the GC II and if you can afford it or are not that impressed  with the GCII then try the Ultra if at all possible.  It is a big jump up in performance from the GC....and I really liked the GC as it replaced my $900 Darwin The Truth XLR IC!