System Dissatisfaction - My Own Fault

I have been very happy with my current system for several years.  The stereo rig is a Yaqin MC-30L tube amplifier with Focal 836v speakers.  My home theater rig uses an Integra 50.1 receiver and the same speakers.  I got the audio bug and purchased a Cambridge Audio Azur 840A integrated amplifier with the intent of using it as a power amplifier for home theater since it has fixed level input capability and also improve the overall sound for stereo listening when not using the tube amplifier.  The end result was that the Integra/840A combination resulted in too much noise in the system.  I worked with Cambridge Audio and I'm sure that what I'm experiencing is normal, just not a good solution.  Overall, I didn't feel that the 840A was an improvement as it was warmer sounding that I prefer (at least in comparison) to my Integra and tube amplifier, but for some music the stronger bass did sound fantastic.  I opted to pull it back out of my system and now I'm realizing that I'm not as satisfied with my current system as I was before.  It seems that the 840A was good enough (more different than better) to put me in a state of limbo with both my receiver and tube amplifier.  It's sort of annoying that it has come to this.

I'm sure that I'm not the only one that has created their own dissatisfaction by just not choosing to be content.

If I can get a good price out of the 840A I may be able to turn it into Pathos Classic One (I would be able to do an in home audition with it).  If I win the lottery I'd be going for a Krell integrated as I heard one in a setup the other day and was once again blown away as I have always been with just about any system with Krell.  If only I had $6,000.  I could get one if I were willing to upgrade my house for my wife, but short of that it's a pipe dream for the most part.  One day I will have a Krell amplifier.
@georgehifi, I already made the purchase and if there’s an issue I certainly don’t hear it that I have noticed.
One of my friends that an EE and audio aficionado stopped by today for some listening. His description was that the Parhis has a much more 3D soundstage than my Yaqin and it makes everything sound effortless.  He mentioned that I hadn’t been doing my speakers justice until now. 

The one song that we did an A/B with my Integra his comment was that it sounded like a completely different recording. 
So far so good with the new Pathos Classic One mkIII integrated amplifier.  If I could do anything differently it would have been to just purchase it when it was first available rather than messing around with the Cambridge Audio gear.  In the end I spent pretty much the same out of pocket between the loss on the trade-in of the Cambridge and the reduction in price on the Pathos from when it was first made available.  The silver lining is a friend got a nice Cambridge Audio receiver at a fantastic price and it's a great fit for both his needs and budget.
I was just reading through this thread again and I'm in a somewhat similar situation again, but this time it's with the Pathos Classic One MkIII and the Krell S-300i.  I could probably be happy with either and it's only because I have both that I can have a strong preference for some attributes of one over the other.  At this point I plan to keep both as they fairly well integrated into my overall system and they give me options.  I'd have a hard time duplicating the Pathos if I were to move on from it and regret and I think I might lean towards the Krell if forced to choose.
I am surprised that I missed your thread back in 2018. I owned the Pathos Classic One MKII at that time. Sold it about a year ago. Since then I purchased a pair of Tannoy Sterlings. That Pathos would have served me well with those speakers.