What is your listening chair?

I am sure this has been discussed some time in the past, but I am curious what kind of chair audio nuts are using out there...
Just sold two leather recliners and bought two leather Poang chairs from Ikea. They seem to be better for listening to music.
What say you? What is your listening chair? Why do you like it or not??
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Pavilion chair which is a replica of the Barcelona Lounge chair, with matching ottoman.
So....you guys have some nice chairs. I like the Poang(s) but I am feeling a little inadequate now.
Poang Chair from Ikea. Not a big fan. Oh, it’s comfortable and everything. But it’s bad for the sound. Must be the foam inside. Try taking it to another room, then listen again. There, isn’t that better?
Stickley leather recliner

w Vandersteen’s part of the setup involves measuring ear height and a few other variables and adjusting the speaker for rake, etc
aided by the dealer provided laser jig I shot in both upright and recline and settled on reclined ( semi sober )

sounds fantastic and and feels good after midnight on those late listening sessions...

geoffkait- Yeah I like the sound, not changing the Poang. A few people here like the chair too, and bought one. Just noticed the other members chairs that I admire and find interesting.
Would you like to share what you have, since that was the question of the post????