I currently own a pair of Paradigm Studio 20v3 but I am thinking of replacing them with the Von Schweikert VR-1.
The thing is that I don't have any access to the VR-1's to audition them. I am just going by some professional and consumer reviews saying that the VR-1's have better midrange and soundstage. Can anyone out there share his thoughts about these standmounts?
I would really appreciate any input.....
Thanks again everyone.... a million thanks for the guidance.
I think I'm gonna keep the Paradigms from what most of you people are saying and I think I'm gonna be happier....
When you do upgrade, make sure it is a definite one, and not a side ways move. If you buy them used here on the audiogon or other places like the ebay, then you could resell them and not lose too much $ (incase it doesn't turn out to be a true upgrade...)
I am listening to the Studio towers with McIntosh gears, and, they sound good to me - liquid and transparent...

You know about all the good professional reviews they received, right?

I too would keep them. Sure there are better speakers out there, like the ones with scan speak woofers, but for the money, they are on the very top of what you can get (I would say - IMHO).

Also, they are pretty audiophile, and musical sounding and enjoyable, with the right gears.
Wow, 7 years since the question was asked. The OP has probably moved on by now.