Part of your problem is your ancellory gear isn't up to snuff.
The more revealing a set of speakers the more it shows you the limitations of your cables and Gustard Dac.
With a $14k speaker that are resolvling you need far superior dac and cabling.
Ncore amps are highly detailed but lack the magic that conventional Class A/B amps have hence you prefered the Pass.
We tried a number of highly rated Hypex and Ncour amps impressive but not magical. Your tube preamp was partially responsible for you getting good sound in the beginning.
As per Naim vs Ncore, if your friends system was wired up with Naim cabling he has never heard his system and a brighter amp might add more excitement to his rig. We love Naim hate their cables.
Go find your self a T+A Dac 8 DSD and an Innous server and you will be shocked at just how much better your system will sound..
Ditch the 8TC for better cables, also the Silversonic is okay at best.
Also treat your room by using bookcases filled with books or wall haniging some rugs.
You will see that a well matched set of speakers with resolution trumps a set of "musical" speakers which don't have the resolving power, but are more laid back.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
The more revealing a set of speakers the more it shows you the limitations of your cables and Gustard Dac.
With a $14k speaker that are resolvling you need far superior dac and cabling.
Ncore amps are highly detailed but lack the magic that conventional Class A/B amps have hence you prefered the Pass.
We tried a number of highly rated Hypex and Ncour amps impressive but not magical. Your tube preamp was partially responsible for you getting good sound in the beginning.
As per Naim vs Ncore, if your friends system was wired up with Naim cabling he has never heard his system and a brighter amp might add more excitement to his rig. We love Naim hate their cables.
Go find your self a T+A Dac 8 DSD and an Innous server and you will be shocked at just how much better your system will sound..
Ditch the 8TC for better cables, also the Silversonic is okay at best.
Also treat your room by using bookcases filled with books or wall haniging some rugs.
You will see that a well matched set of speakers with resolution trumps a set of "musical" speakers which don't have the resolving power, but are more laid back.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ