speakers for listener with Tinnitus

What speakers would you recommend that soften the highs etc., that might lessen the symptoms of Tinnitus?
Have you tried any that work to a greater or lesser degree. "musical" speakers seem like ones you might want to listen too. What is your budget? Vandersteens, Harbeths etc.. might be the direction to head for. I would guess that a cloth tweeter might be helpful in most designs..
Another approach are headphones of various design.
I agree with Mechans on the cloth tweeters .
Also tubed electronics may help .
This is what works for me .
"Vandersteens, Harbeths etc.. might be the direction to head for."

Vandersteen's are very revealing overall and they use aluminium tweeters. I don't think they would be a good choice, in this case.

Here's a few speakers that have a very forgiving top end: Origional Mirage M series, Meadowlark, Mission, Older model Energy's that use the camel hair tweeter, possibly Martin Logan, Spendor.

If I can think of more, I'll post them.