Does It have to be loud?

Are you also under the impression that when people (or manufacturers) demo their equipment, they maintain sound pressure levels between 90-100 Dba. In general this is done in rooms being too small, and therefore the room will heavily interact with the sound heard in that room. Often, when you ask to lower the volume, the actual result is better, and –most likely- provides you with the information you were looking for. So, my question here is, do you also prefer to listen in the 90-100 dba range? Or do you –like myself- like to listen in the 70-90 dba sound pressure range? Of course, I’m referring to sound pressure levels at the listening position, which –in my case- is about 4 meter away from the speaker. 


The Triton Golden Ear Reference seems to have a linearity problem at quite modest volumes (90 dB). It looks like the AMT ribbon suffers from the problems that have always plagued these designs - lack of ability to produce even modestly high SPL without distortion. Infinity solved this problem by using arrays of the AMT but Triton Ref only has one.

You can see what I mean on these plots from Soundstage particularly the deviation from linearity.

Of note also is the comb filtering of the AMT tweeter above 4KHz - this is due to the fact that the diaphragm is too large to produce these higher frequencies without interference and hence the comb like appearance of the frequency plot (lots of wiggles). The advantage of comb filtering is it can give a pleasing expansive effect - electric guitar players use it all the time to make guitars sound big - it makes it hard for the ear that detect the origin of the sound and will reduce pinpoint Soundstage on a stereo but conversely will make higher frequencies even bigger and expansive.

The Stereophile plots better show the comb filtering. Note that off axis is the first to be affected which is because of the different distance the sound travels from either side of the large (compared to a conventional tweeter) diaphragm of the AMT.


I’m hopeful to have a more technical and comprehensive response to your 03-05-2018 12:34pm post.

However, at face value I see no issue. In fact, the non-linearity data that you are now reporting I previously disclosed.

As I look at the graphs (both 90 and 95 db "Deviation from linearity" charts), I note the left margin in both cases represents decibels, *and the resolution is in 1 db increments*! So yes, you are correct in your observation of the data, but incorrect in your interpretation of the data.

The largest deviation from linearity is not more than 3 db, and this is at roughly - and only - 3500Hz. The linearity is basically flat (less than 1 db deviation) from 50Hz all the way through roughly 2500Hz.

In any case, as I stated, I shall attempt to obtain a response beyond that of my own.

This seems to be yet another case where you are passing judgement solely on the basis of measurement data (instead of considering the sound), as you do with your DAC.

Have you heard the Triton Reference speakers?


By the way shadorne, as I peruse the soundstage site for measurement data of speakers other than the GET T Refs, I note there are none with perfectly flat linearity. For example, the focal sopra 2, which costs a kewl 5 grand more than the T Refs, also has linearity issues - by your criteria.

As I promised to obtain a response beyond that of my own, the following comes courtesy of Golden Ear forum moderator.....
The "non-linearity" he's referring to, and the associated distortion, is extremely low, inaudibly low, and insignificant compared to ALL the other benefits of the HVFR tweeter. Both the magazines that this data comes from LOVED the speakers and said nothing about this insignificant issue in their reporting of the measurements.
Isn’t the assumption that you should demo for the typical SPL that a listerner would hear were she/he attending a live show?

By that standard, MBL (which typically demos louder than anyone else I know of) doesn’t go loud enough. They often play electric blues rock at (my guess) +/- 95 DB. Very loud, but not live loud.

It may not be great for extended audition, but it does demonstrate that the volume levels in your home will likely be limited by the proud new owner’s choice, rather than the speakers’ capabilities.
There are other threads on Audiogon where members report their typical listening levels and IIRC most people are listening at far less than 95dB.  Having a system (and room) that is capable of cleanly playing at over 100dB is nice, but it's just not essential for most audiophiles.  It is similar to the situation with deep bass.  Most audiophiles would be perfectly happy with a system that only played flat down to 55Hz, but did everything else excellently.  Are they missing some element of the music -- sure, but that doesn't mean they can't enjoy the music they have.

Why would anyone want true concert level volume in their domestic living space?  There's a reason you don't put a concert grand piano in your living room.