Has Anyone Uesed A PrimaLuna Amp With Harbeth Speaker's

Hi guys, I will be on the market soon for a new amp and I keep looking at the Primaluna Amps, has anyone heard the Primaluna Dialogue Premium amp driving a pair of Harbeth's 30.1 speakers? these are 87d/b and I am not sure how this will work out?
Get a dual mono, hybrid ss class A amp. 
By far the best sound reproduction available. Don’t care if it’s chinese, Japanese or American. They all use top notch parts and weigh a ton. I’ve heard a Cayin compared to a luxman and would take either. Class A baby with those Harbeths. 
Hey for any of you guys that question PrimaLuna in the Seattle area I invite you to come to my home and listen to them make my Magnepan 20.7’s sing. Again a speaker that is deemed a power hog and at 87db has never sounded so go in my listen room. No bullshit I get chills when I’m listening to music and a lot of that is due to PL and it’s amazing build and sound quality.

I didn’t realize I have a customer who owns Harbeth 30.1's and just this week he traded in his McIntosh MA6600 for a PrimaLuna HP integrated.  He sent me this note minutes ago. The HP is new new new and I’ve asked him to check back with updates as it breaks in.   He's very well-read and has a lot of experience.

His observations thus far:

"I have pretty transparent and precise sources - both turntable and SACD player - and unfortunately with my prior solid state amp they sounded almost clinical. The music no longer moved me and my listening sessions shortened as I quickly became disinterested. In the hopes of fixing this, I decided to try tubes again (I had a CJ PV5 30 years ago) and the PL is apparently not only the prescription but the cure. "

"I play acoustic guitar and sing a bit, solo and with others, so I’m particularly sensitive to the sound of acoustic instruments and unamplified human voice. Gillian Welch and David Rawlings could have been playing right in front of me - the tone of his 1935 Epiphone Olympic archtop unmistakable. Satchmo has never sounded better - his voice warm and vibrant - and Ella clear and pure. All instruments sounded natural. Then I threw in a little live electric blues - Clapton playing Eyesight for the Blind. I had to turn it up and there it was - goosebumps. My eyes had been closing, my head swaying, my toes tapping throughout, but the goosebumps sealed the deal. I’m not good at using audio terms to describe what I hear (I really couldn’t care less about that). What I care about is how I relate to the music I’m listening to - am I moved, am I swept up, does everything else seem to fall away? Once I put the PL into my system all of these tests were met and I was thoroughly enjoying the music. That is what I was looking for."

"I’m leaving the amp on overnight to make sure all the tubes have settled (I won’t be leaving it on thereafter) and I’ve already been bitten by the tube rolling bug (no need to, just curiosity) and have ordered a pair of Cifte 12AU7s from you. I can’t wait to hear this puppy once it’s broken in a bit and I’ve swapped in the new tubes."

"My system now consists of: Clearaudio Ovation turntable/Clearaudio Universal tonearm/Lyra Delos/Esoteric E-03; Apple Air/Ayre QB-9 DSD; McIntosh MCD500; Pioneer RT-909 reel to reel; PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP Integrated Amplifier; Harbeth 30.1 Monitors; Shunyata Venom PS8 Power Distributor, Venom Defender, Venom HC and Venom 3 PCs; Cardas Clear USB Cable; and WireWorld Silver Eclipse 7 ICs and speaker cables."

"The PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP Integrated Amplifier replaces a McIntosh MA6600 Integrated that will be sent to you later this week as a trade-in."

"I’m really happy, thank you. Chris."


This is spot on and I share the same sentiments. I don’t know all the audiophile terms to describe music but I do know what makes my fingers snap, feet tap, head bob and what brings me a smile of sheer enjoyment. I love my PrimaLuna and I don’t care what anyone else may say or think. My friends and family will tell you that I have the most incredible concerts in my listening room every night at 7 PM. General admission is, however it’s a BYOD type of party...LOL!


Thanks again guy's,
I really am in appreciation to you all for your thoughts, comments  and so on, I know I have got to get over to my dealer and try the Primaluna out, it just finding the time at the moment.

Upscaleaudio , Thanks for your help on this matter, I would be very grateful if you could up date me with Chris findings with his Primaluna amp and Harbeth 30.1's speakers

Many Thank's