Hegel H20 vs. PS Audio BHK Signature 250 Stereo

Looking to downsize from Halo JC1 monos to a single chassis stereo amp in order to reduce occupied space; speakers are Dynaudio C4s & preamp is Pass XP20. Leaning towards the output bipolars in the Hegel vs. the MOSFETS used in the BHK.
All input greatly appreciated.
after listening to different hi end setups using among others, Raidho, Rockport, Martin Logan, Reimyo, Gryphon, Wadia, things were just too hyper-realistic for my taste, (although the latest Reimyo solid state amp in spite of being mated with speakers not of my taste, did leave me thinking how to come up with the $$$) .
have not been able to hear either the PS or Hegel and after letting my rig cook continuously for a few days, I was quite content with what I had (dated and all) and ultimately lost the itch.
concerning downsizing, an integrated would be even more practical than a stereo amp as far as saving space but I´d hate to ditch the xp20.
If you are now considering integrated, the Hegel h300 or h360 both come heartily recommended.
I have owned the h160 and the h300 and I do like the Hegel house sound and their very good control over my Wilson's in general. The onboard DAC are also quite superb imho.

Saying all that I have now moved onto a Lyngdorf 2170 and will have a hard time moving away as its room correction software has drastically changed my sq for the better.
Rost,  you have a well matched system as it sits. If I was in your shoes and simply switched to an Integrated I think it would be disappointing (In terms of sound quality), albeit a bit more tidy. It’s hard to take a step back. However, if you swapped speakers at the same time to something you’ve been curious about and swapped to an integrated at the same time I’d imagine it would be different, smaller and maybe exciting again. That’s how I would feel.
@ dmuson
          My initial impulse was to switch amps considering something newer could sound better and save me some space at the same time. The amp that first caught my eye was the Hegel H30 but I thought I could get away with lesser power so my post referred to the H20. Since then I´ve been informed that it is inferior in sound as well as power, something I haven´t been able to substantiate being unable to audition the Hegel line.
         Upon deciding that I was quite content with the sound at hand and realizing that saving space could leave me frustrated and unhappy with inferiorsound I abandoned the idea of replacing the JC1s. Instead I decided entertain myself by putting together another separate, allbeit much smaller system and leave the big rig alone as it is.
          So I went in a totally different direction and purchased the Mastersound 220, a SET integrated that uses 2 EL34 tubes per channel in parallel for 20w/channel and a pair of French 2 way minimonitors : Davis Olympia. Then hunted down some NOS Telefunken EL34s and Siemens E82CCs.  I guess that what I was missing was the expected excitement associated with putting together a new rig and the challenges in achieving some sort of synergy.
          But time passes and I can´t help thinking about how the German T+A PA3100 HV integrated would mate with my Dyn C4s but until I have that kind of spare cash (> 20 grand) I´ll have to stay anxiously put.    

Sounds like a great decision. It’s nice to have a 2nd system to play with without having to go all in financially.