MQA•Foolish New Algorithm? Vote!

Vote please. Simply yes or no. Let’s get a handle on our collective thinking.
The discussions are getting nauseating. Intelligent(?) People are claiming that they can remove part of the music (digits), encode the result for transport over the net, then decode (reassemble) the digits remaining after transportation (reduced bits-only the unnecessary ones removed) to provide “Better” sound than the original recording.
If you feel this is truly about “better sound” - vote Yes.
If you feel this is just another effort by those involved to make money by helping the music industry milk it’s collection of music - vote no.
Lets know what we ‘goners’ think.
P.S. imho The “bandwidth” problem this is supposed to ‘help’ with will soon be nonexistent. Then this “process” will be a ‘solution’ to a non existing problem. I think it is truly a tempest in a teacup which a desperate industry would like to milk for all its worth, and forget once they can find a new way to dress the Emporer. Just my .02

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Have you actually listened to MQA files or are your arguments purely based on reading tech info?
2 years ago I would have said you were nuts if you thought changing a fuse and even the directionality of said fuse would have ANY sq impact. This i was gladly proved wrong over and a believer was made.
The same holds true with MQA, I have read the blurb but I know also what I hear and at the end of the day that is truly all that matters to me in,my system.
Summary so far (after listening to everything with my own ears) :-

1. Foolish new algorithm? - I vote Yes
2. MQA for better sound? - I vote No
3. MQA for music industry to milk more money? - I vote Yes
4. MQA enjoyable? - Many vote Yes as indeed it is anyone’s
prerogative to enjoy any format that is enjoyable
5. Is MQA Tidal better than non-MQA Tidal? - I vote Yes
6. Is MQA better than non-MQA native hires PCM and DSD?
- I vote No.

Enjoy the music!

J. :)

I've been some A&B comparisons and I can tell the  difference approximately half the time and mqa does indeed seem to sound better to me. 
I have Tidal and Gen1 and Gen2 Bluesound Nodes.
MQA is like a free bonus to me.
I haven’t done any critical testing but I listen to the MQA version when available through the analog outputs and use Pure Direct and it sounds good to me.

I have quite a few DVD-A and SACD discs and thouroghly enjoy them as well. (5.1 surround is quite enjoyable at times)

Now, if I could just find time to unpack the Revels and get them in the mix would be great.
