Naim and Elac Adante, Wow

The new Elac Adantes are creating a lot of buzz both good and bad.

We were mixed on the speakers initially as certain sonic aspects were fantastic while others were less then satisfactory.

The Adante AS 61 has a relatively low sensitivity so we thought 40 watts will not be enough.

Surprise the Naim Uniti Atom with Wireworld cables produced an intoxicating sound.

The Atom is warm and punchy so the combo matched perfectly.

Elac and Naim fantastic together and affordable.

3k amp which includes dac and streamer,  plus 2.5k speakers other then cables and stands this combo would make a lot of people very happy.

We would urge prospective Adante purchasers to seek out this combo these two products mesh while other combos of electronics with the Adantes may be why some people are not liking the speakers.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
No Mofo traded in and that is what we mean by testing them.

So far in hearing them at two different shows and we had one pair of $4k Harbeths brought here a few years ago never fell in love with the Harbeth sound. 

Reason mentioning that is too show you we actually do test and listen to these products if you would like pictures be more than happy to post them.

Mofojo if it isn't obvious we don't take the path that is easily traveled, or we would be selling products like Mcintosh or B&W which are find products, we prefer T+A to Mcintosh, and Kef to B&W.

We are however always looking at new products, we are looking at bringing in two high end loudspeaker lines and another dac in this year. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
PS you are an amusing fellow, personally I think this is sad that a post has to come down to a vitrolic attack between or about members.

We all have opinions, and as stated before we test and move in and out of lines if we find better products. 

Most dealers sit by and sell the same product lines year after year never venturing out of there comfort zone to see if someone has produced a better product that they can offer to their clients becaue it is better. 

Many years ago Dave Wilson entered the market and there were a few brave dealers that signed on, same with any of these now established brands,  once many were brand new and not established.

Do you think that Dave  Wilson's original Watt was ridiculed at the time for being a two way with limited bass that was crazy expensive at the time?

The fact that people care so much about the inanimate objects they own and they personally feel insulted if you dare question anything about their beloved x y or z is crazy.

These are all tools who cares if brand x y or z may be better, I know we don't. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

I always look forward to your posts. When I saw that you started this thread I took the time to read it because I knew I would learn something. The Elac Adante are not something that will fit my needs but I knew there would be something you say here that I would find valuable.

I built 2 systems in the last 6 months using A'Gon as my listener resource and I could not be happier with the results. Your posts have largely helped me navigate to the destination that I ended up. The systems I built only have 1 piece that you guys carry, the KEF LS50. The rest you guys do not carry however, the info you provided here helped me build 2 great systems for my office and bedroom. Knowledge is power, thanks for sharing.

When I get my 3rd living room/family room system going later in the year (I hope). I am going to make a point of buying something from you guys, even though I am on the other side of the country. 

I like it when dealers post here and other sites. Lots of very passionate and informed dealers posting online. Of course, everyone has their opinions and bias, but so what.
you seem confused between innovation, revolution and evolution
you should go back and read what i wrote
as for the Giya, of course i have heard them....for hours at a dealer mere minutes from our California home...
i recall buying a SOTA table from him....another made in America innovation......
of course the Giya is a magical sounding speaker....
revolutionay decor for sure....

Audiotroy is back.  He is once again taking up valuable space in the forums to sell his products and debunk others. Anyone who prefers another outstanding brand is hard of hearing and most likely a kool-aid drinking "fanboy". Oh and he has science behind him because he is an electrical engineer, I mean, he has read alot of articles and heard lots of speakers like many serious audiophiles here. But, well, I mean uh, he is a dealer and is therefore just more qualified to opine than others therefore attention must be paid. And as a dealer he wouldn't steer you wrong. I mean all of the other dealers who start threads to promote their products do the same thing. I mean, look around the forums for a few days and you'll find all of them---- I mean both of them--Dave and Audiotroy. Or are they one? 

Anyway,  Audiotroy knows the absolute truth about which speaker brands are the best and he can rank them for you. The ones he sells are the best and the ones that he is not permitted to sell are loved only by "fanboys".  But don't call him a "fanboy" as there is a big difference between a "fanboy" and a self-promoting blathering shill.