PS you are an amusing fellow, personally I think this is sad that a post has to come down to a vitrolic attack between or about members.
We all have opinions, and as stated before we test and move in and out of lines if we find better products.
Most dealers sit by and sell the same product lines year after year never venturing out of there comfort zone to see if someone has produced a better product that they can offer to their clients becaue it is better.
Many years ago Dave Wilson entered the market and there were a few brave dealers that signed on, same with any of these now established brands, once many were brand new and not established.
Do you think that Dave Wilson's original Watt was ridiculed at the time for being a two way with limited bass that was crazy expensive at the time?
The fact that people care so much about the inanimate objects they own and they personally feel insulted if you dare question anything about their beloved x y or z is crazy.
These are all tools who cares if brand x y or z may be better, I know we don't.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
We all have opinions, and as stated before we test and move in and out of lines if we find better products.
Most dealers sit by and sell the same product lines year after year never venturing out of there comfort zone to see if someone has produced a better product that they can offer to their clients becaue it is better.
Many years ago Dave Wilson entered the market and there were a few brave dealers that signed on, same with any of these now established brands, once many were brand new and not established.
Do you think that Dave Wilson's original Watt was ridiculed at the time for being a two way with limited bass that was crazy expensive at the time?
The fact that people care so much about the inanimate objects they own and they personally feel insulted if you dare question anything about their beloved x y or z is crazy.
These are all tools who cares if brand x y or z may be better, I know we don't.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ