DAC recommendations for CDs in 2-channel system

Can anyone share suggestions for a DAC to go with the following setup:

Odyssey Audio Kismet monoblocks
Odyssey Audio Tempest pre-amp
Dual 1229 turntable with Shure V3
crappy CD player (used as a transport)
Schiit Modi Uber (current DAC, OK not great)
Klipsch Cornwall I speakers

I listen primarily to CDs and some vinyl at fairly low levels. The amps and preamp were recent major upgrades, so I'm thinking about getting a DAC that will hold its own with the new components.

I don't have a budget in mind, but prefer a high value for dollar. Thanks in advance!
Thanks for this. So far reviews look pretty good. This is probably the top end of what I'd spend, especially for an older model in a fast-changing category.
What about using a OPPO 105 or 205? $1100/1200 new, Its a awesome universal player (sounds like you spin discs) and has more connections then you’ll need or want,connects to your stereo with a pair of RCA’s or XLR’s nice :-) Built in dual ESS Saber dac’s make it sound very good indeed not to mention the video you get. You can connect a server/streamer too with its USB audio input, future proof!



P.S. no better value out there right now (105), for $1100 (new) you get a 3K player.

Buy the OPPO 105/205! Chris Martens review in TAS is RIGHT ON! A superb sounding player that can serve as your media hub for ALL digital formats!
Oppo or something similar may be a good way to go in your case since you say your CD player is crappy and Modi Uber is not particularly high-end. That said, if I were in your position, and had a moderately decent CD player, I would get a Denafrips Ares R2R DAC. Its's under $700 and should be a great upgrade from what you currently ave. On the lower end of the scale, I've had good experience using a Cambridge Audio DacMagic Plus with my semi-crappy CD player. Its under $350. Or, you can just change course completely and get a streamer for under $500 and a Tidal subscription and hear most if not all your CDs at equal or better quality plus an additional huge catalog of music from all over the world.