Well, on good recording, Id give it a 9. On bad recordings, it didnt do so well(7.0?). It brought out the worst in the music with these recordings. As you know, the Legacys are a little forgiven. That is why I say, if you are looking for pure audiophile speaker, go with the S8 v.2. But if you are looking to enjoy the music, the legacys are the choice you would want by a wide margin. I also like the Legacys because there are several configurations you can use in different size rooms. For example, I just moved. My last audio room was very large and I left all three toggles up. However, in my new room, it is on the samell size. A full range speaker like the Legacys can sound a bit bass heavy. By flipping the 3rd toggle down, it dropped a little of the mid bass, and actually sounded perfectly. When I played with the 3rd toggle in my larger room, it took away to much mid bass, and made them sound a little to bright. I find this to be a great feature. It sure saved me in my smaller room(not that I couldnt live with all 3 in the up position, but the sound did improve). The musicality of the Legacys is a easy 10, almost Every recording sounds good. And the best recordings sound even better!
I want to add, the Legacy focus 20/20's are the most easy to drive speaker Ive ever driven. Some claim you need a lot of power with them. Im using a Bryston 9bsst 150 watts per channel rating. These sound completely warm and full sounding. They also will play louder then I can listen with ease. They will play movie playback at Dynamic levels Ive never heard in a home.
On paper, the Paradigms look great. Imaging, check. Detail, check.Transparency, check.Disapears in the room, check. Now did you enjoy the music, well.........
On the other hand, the Legacys are a check on everything, yet extremely enjoyable. It just sounds like music. The Legacys also throw a super huge wall of sound, like a large planar(Ive owned Mag 3.6) or a Logan(and a Ascent i. Yet its easy to place and set up, again easy to drive, and has a full range sound. I dont know about others, but even with a sms-1, Ive never got a speaker to match a sub flawlessly, there has always been some point where I heard the phase or what ever problems with the pair.After years, Im still 100% happy with my Focus 20/20, and no other speaker has been able to stay around(3.6's where nice sounding, but had other issues with them). Thats says alot!