maybe you’re right, but I love the top level vintage turntables too much and I’m a big drug for me to own them.
I can not afford a Nakamichi TX 1000, Kenwood L07D, an Emt 950, a Denon DP100M, Pioneer Exclusive P3, Onkyo PX 100M, or a Victor TT-801 o many others, but a TT-101 for example if purchased to repair for $ 100 or some Technics SP 10 II cheap because junk, I do a lot willingly, even if I spend a lot, a lot of my free time to restore them, but is passion only passion or is this all madness?
I do not know but I feel that I really like it!
I’m tired of restoring only SP10II ...... soon I will finish two and I have three more awaiting restoration (in total I have in the collection four SP 10II and two SL1000MK2) I wanted to change model and I was hoping to buy the TT101 to appreciate this machine too if it could work; waiting I also have a TT-71 that was given to me and that needs repair and restoration for my collection but,I was hoping to make the TT-101 work too.
I am very stubborn even though I have little hope.
@jpjones thank you for good idea. ;)