scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
Gee, this is a real head-scratcher! I too am curious about this! Anybody from the Boston Audio Society know about such a test? The only test I can remember was the one done by Peter Aczel in 1978 comparing Levinson Silver cable against zip cord. No difference found! Yet there is sure a lot of anecdotal reports from the "golden ear" crowd! These certainly cannot qualify as methodical and unbiased! 
Sorry to disabuse anyone of the belief that blind tests mean anything. Especially if the results are negative. Would anyone expect anything of value to materialize when a bunch of giggling skeptics get together for a blind test? 🤡 Furthermore it’s highly unlikely that in ideal situations, you know, good ears and good equipment, that no differences would be observed as there is almost always some audible difference in the sound.
For the millionth time, why does everybody ignore the fact that the Aczel crowd never maintained that all cables sound the same. Their theory was that all differences between cables are due solely to inductance, resistance and capacitance values, which are easily measured and can drastically change the frequency response of a speaker. So, yes - cables with the same LCR values will sound the same. So they maintain. Whether it’s true or not is another story.
Too many variables: source - preamp - amp - speakers! Even in the simplest setup, say, Oppo - Quad amp - Quad ESL's the need for an IC introduces a variable (of unknown quality) before the speaker cable testing can begin! We need to know what effect the IC (variable A) has before we can test the speaker cable (variable B).