Arfafig, yes the Kef LS 50 are wonderful.
However, if you are drawn to the clarity and speed and big soundstage,
I honestly doubt, you would love the Harbeths, which do not have the same clarity, they do throw a big soundstage but the Harbeth sound is a bit more laid back and less exciting then the LS 50 ditto with the Vandys.
I am a bit shocked at the gentleman who said the VLR was cleaner then the LS 50 a plastic coned driver has usually more colored sound and is usually more veiled than a metal cone. There is a tremendous amount of technology in the LS 50 and the driver is derived from the Kef Blade, you should hear the VLR them and judge for yourself.
The only smallish speaker that I have heard that will beat the LS 50 is the Technics monitors, they are really amazing at $1,700 a pair they are even clearer with a slighly warmer midrange then the LS 50. Read the Steve Guttenberg review on CNET. These are one of the few under $2k speakers that I like better than the LS 50.
Talk to Audio Visions SF they sell both I think all three lines, I think they will tell you the Technics are amazing.
Also the Dali Mentor Minuet which is now $1299 is a remarkable little speaker that has a huge sound, wamer then the LS 50 but we prefer the Dali to the KEF LS 50 as it sounds even bigger, a tad richer, and has deeper bass.
For an amp a Rega Brio is shockingly musical and it has a great phono stage but no built in digital.Also the Nuprime IDA 8 which is very tranparent, with amazing bass control and a great built in dac for $995.
You may also want to check out the Naim Uniti Qute which are selling for a $1,200-$1,600.00 The Uniti Qute has a punchy 30 watt amp, a built in dac and streamer, and it has that famous Naim sound
The Naim might be an excellent choice it is the perfect little amp, compact, built in streamer, built in dac, analog inputs, fantastic streaming app, some have built in Blue Tooth tube like without tubes.
If you are looking for a great tube amp the Cayin 50t was very good.
Good luck.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ