Vandersteen 2CE Signature II: Is it worth the price of $2700? Why are so many for sale?

I have seen several ads on both AG and Ebay for a "variety" of Vandersteen 2CE's  

Question: Is:the "latest version:"of the model worth its  $2700 price tag  considering the evolution of this design over the last 10 to 12 years

Vandersteen's website shares a few paragraphs about the upgrades made; but, has their really been notable or marked improvements in sound quality and overall performance?.

The amount of 2CE's for sale regardless of what version seems unusual,and even cautionary for buyers looking at a used pair ( taking into consideration age and condition)

Lastly, does this model compete with the performance of other speakers in its price range??

  Thank you, S.J.


Here is from a review on the speaker.

The woofer is an 8" Vifa molded cone with a 2" dustcap and a double-wound voice-coil. Its free-air resonant frequency is

28Hz, and while the sealed woofer enclosure

can be expected to raise that number some-

what, the effect is tempered by the presence of

an additional bass driver in the same enclosure:

an actively driven, rear-firing 10" cone whose

effect on the speaker’s bass system is similar to

that of a passive radiator.

It's similar to a passive radiator.  It may not be a actual passive radiator but it is similar to one. That is why I called it a PR.  This 10" er has also been called an active acoustic coupler & a  fiber-cone “supplemental” woofer, but has never been called a real woofer like the real 8" woofer that is above it and around the front.  I used to owned these speakers and never liked them as I thought the bass was to slow and a little sluggish, I also did not care for the over all sound of the whole speaker.

You have to understand, this is just my opinion and all I'm doing is saying I don't like them,don't I have a right to state my view?  I just don't care for Vandersteen speakers. If it was my money at $2700.00 I would buy the Eminent Technology LFT-8b speakers for $2500.00   that is what the owners of VPI turntables use at their factory.

I’m on my second set of Vandersteen - a pair of Treos from Johnny Ruttan at audioconnection.  They replaced a beloved pair of 2 CE Sigs.  The Treos are outstanding IMO and have a very detailed, up front presentation, even at very low listening levels.  In some ways, though, the 2’s more than hold their own.  There is a holographic sense of instruments hanging in space that the 2’s do better than the other Vandersteens.  It’s a more laid back sound, but so musical and non-fatiguing.  At some point if I have a second system, I’d probably buy another pair of them.  I remember the first time I heard the 2’s.  Johnny played me some music and IMO thinking, “Well this is great and all but I’m not buying a set of $10,000 speakers.” When I found out that they were $1650 ( at the time) I was floored.  On a budget, they are a no brainer.
its all good Vifa drivers were well over 20 years ago not one part is the same with latest 2 speakers now w 5 as  woven cone mid drivers and tweeter I get they didn't work for you in your crib but in most rooms they sing .
The concept of time
correct and stealth enclosure still works. Try a give a listen to latest
efforts with AQ wired system and not too many pads on the wall that kill needed overtones then pop back here.
best JohnnyR 

@drew_k ... Ha! When I heard my first set of 2ce Sigs, I had the same reaction. You can spend much more and do much worse. 
It’s a more laid back sound, but so musical and non-fatiguing.
Very interesting.  I only heard a demo of the Treo's (non CT) once.  Driven by SimAudio integrated.  They sounded very forward to me. Not forward in the sense of bright, but forward inasmuch as the soundstage started on a plane well in front of the plane of the speakers, and only extended back a little ways behind the plane of the speakers.  Whereas the others (Dynaudio) I heard, same room, same setup, started around the plane of the speakers and extended well behind.  Not saying the Dynaudio's had a deeper soundstage in absolute terms, just that the soundstage that there was, was positioned differently w.r.t. the plane of the speakers.  Was this experience an anomaly??