Transport for Exogal Comet Plus DAC

Transport for Redbook CD only.  Currently using an Oppo 103, but that will be leaving soon.  Curious if this is a DAC that would benefit from re-clocker...Thanks

If you really believe a reclocker makes no difference, then just get an Oppo 105 for $1200.

Sorry, I don't believe it.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

I was on the forum seeking advice about a new Dac and many Exogal Comet Plus owners stated the clock was so good they didn't need an external device. 
Agree with twoleftears and lowrider57 that the Comet doesn't need a reclocker. I tried the Uptone ISO Regen/LPS-1 between my Aurender N100H and Exogal Comet Plus and preferred the sound without it. Lost airiness and treble extension with the Uptone duo in the loop. 
