Kharma 3.2.2: which tube amp to use?

After living with Kharma 3.2 and now 3.2.2 for 5 years with SS amplification, I am looking to try out a tube amp. My current amp is Goldmund Telos 400 (being put on sale on A’gon). My preamp is Vitus SL101. My room is 10’ x 14’. My source is a TW Acustic turntable. Current sound is fast, highly detailed, with great imaging. But on the dry and analytical side. I hope a tube amp can fill in some of the missing midrange harmonics and timbres, add bit more air and bloom. Add bit more flesh on the bones.
I am looking at SET amp and not sure which one will drive my 3.2.2 (90db, 3.5 – 4ohm) without giving me loose bass, and also not too much heat (considering my smallish room). I read Kharma 3.2 was voiced with Lamm (don’t know which model).
Your suggestions will be much appreciated.
I could not imagine a better match.I've heard that combo many times...Heavenly!!!

Best of luck
If you continue to find any "dryness" in your sound, you may want to look at your choice of cartridge. Since that table can use more than one arm, you could set it up with say a Koetsu and a Lyra (or whatever suits your tastes) and be able to dial in sound to suit your mood.

In any event, I have the 3.2's and I'm giving my own advice a go. It will be fun to see if I'm only listening to one cartridge in six months or if I choose one according to my mood.
Hi all,
I have a qn for ML2.1 users out there, and it is about which tap to use. My Kharma 3.2.2 has nominal impedance of 4 ohms. Kharma factory and my Lamm dealer both recommend me to use the 4 ohm tap. However, I found the 8 ohm tap gives me a more dynamic sound with better bass. Am i hearing something wrong?