Soooooooo many possibilities...!

Hello folks :)
Humbly request to tap into the vast experience and knowledge that is the Audiogonners history.
What preamp and/or phono stage would give a really nice soundstage, and sound, with my equipment?
Said equipment consists of a pair of McIntosh MC1000 amps, a pair of McIntosh XR200 speakers, and a Denon DP 59L turntable.
Audio Research Ref 6 has not sold me, and, wonder if something else out there may sound better...  Also, is an Audio Research Ref 2 Phono a good route to go?
Thank you:)

Mcintosh C47 or C52. Honest review here:

You should of course try the McIntoshs but possible alternatives in tube are Conrad Johnson, Ayre and Prima Luna. 

Of course, make sure you have adequate room treatment first. GIK Acoustics can help you with that. 


Thanks techno_dude.  Just watched the UTube vid you suggested.  It has merits.  Especially its digital (when that time comes) and MM/MC features.  That said.  Have heard the C52 with Mac 601's in combo with both b&w 800 series and sonus faber speakers.  Found the soundstage lacking.  Would the MC1000 change that?  Also, thinking maybe a tube preamp would warm up some of the coolness of the SS Mac amps...
Eric, the room is in fairly good shape, but have been looking into getting it "tuned".
I use a Manley labs front end (Jumbo Shrimp/Chinook) with my Mac MC352 and I love the combo. Very palpable with lots of rise and decay excellent high freq extension with incredible mid range and very good low taught bass extension. I imagine a Stingray or a 300B classic would be very nice indeed.

Matt M