Music reference/ audio research / vpi

Looking for suggestions. Have a Music reference rm-200, and an audio research LS 16. Also have a VPI classic 4/proteus transfiguration. Wondering how the RM – 200 would match up with an audio research ref 6, an audio research ref 3 phono, And maybe Ariel acoustic 7t, or Devore gibbon X? Looking for suggestions. Live in the sticks with very little opportunity to audition much of anything!  While I love my audio research, sometimes I wish there was just a bit more tubey richness.  The Gibbons are supposed to have a more organic sound I’m told…? The phono three should be more compatible with the transfiguration…My phono 5 is not compatible…Trying to develop a plan and go at this one piece at a time… Also wonder about the vac 300.1…? Would think the ref phono three should be my next purchase…?
I've not heard the RM200, but have read it doesn't sound like a traditional tube amp and is almost solid state sounding in some respects.   

I've owned a VAC Phi 200 which is KT88 based, like the 300.1.  I didn't find VAC's KT88 sound as rich... it's quite good, but not as rich as other tube amps I've owned.

I currently own both the Music Reference RM9 MKII with RAM EL34's and a VAC 30/30 MKIII Signature with VAC 300B's.   Both amps are wonderful examples of classic tubes amp sound, with the RM9 providing healthy doses of rich midrange sweetness... whereas the VAC 30/30 is more more balanced through out the frequency spectrum, with excellent midrange, non-fatiguing airy highs and well defined, crisp bass.  I can recommend both of these amps if you are looking for classic sound.  

Shindo is also supposed to pair wonderfully with Devore speakers.  I'd also consider Living Voice, Verity and the Harbeth 40 series.

There's pair of Harbeth M-40.1's listed for only $6,700, which is an outstanding deal.   I've owned this speaker twice and plan on keeping my current pair for life.

Normally it's best to put the horse before the wagon. I.E. Speakers first.
Axpona is coming up, a good source to hear many products.
Nearby dealers or Audio clubs is another source for hearing potential products.
Sometimes a manufacturer can put you in touch with someone in your area to demo their product for you.
Get the speakers you like then build the system to make them shine.
Or you can try to push a rope. LOL
 Thank you for your responses pdreher and jadedavid. pd, excellent points bringing up harbeth and the music reference rm-9. I have not listened to an rm-9 in years but that is the sound that got me hooked!  And I bet the Harbeth would be awesome as well. Maybe the audio research pre-amp would match up nicely in the mix as well?

jadedavid is, of course, correct. Speakers first. Just really want to get a phono stage more compatible with my front end going.  Thank you both!
I've not owned an Audio Research preamp, so I couldn't tell you if it would be compatible with the RM9.  I use an Aesthetix Calypso Signature and love it.  You can buy the standard Calypso used for around $2,500. 
@fanotunes, I too had the ARC LS-16/RM-200 combination (though my RM-200 is a Mk.2), and replaced the ARC with an EAR 868L. Muchas betta. The EAR is a real tube pre-amp ;-).