scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
@geoffkait  with regard to your 03-12-2018 7:31am post herein, I'm not disputing the resistance measurement being different in one direction or another. I'll save that dispute for another time and thread, if you don't mind. 

But with specific regard to the listener evidence of all those on the forum who have reported hearing a difference in wire direction over the years, did any of that evidence involve any kind of blind testing?

From what I've read from you thus far within this thread, it has not. Hence my point that perhaps if those same listeners were to subject themselves to a blind test, they might (or might not) arrive at a difference conclusion. So without the blind test, the listener "evidence" is meaningless as far as I'm concerned. 

To your point "...anyone can try it for himself by reversing interconnects or speaker cables or a fuse. It’s not rocket science" of course. But to reiterate, performing that activity knowing what you have or have not reversed is completely, utterly and entirely different than not knowing (i.e. blind). 
...  of all those on the forum who have reported hearing a difference in wire direction over the years, did any of that evidence involve any kind of blind testing? ... So without the blind test, the listener "evidence" is meaningless as far as I'm concerned.
That's fine, you needn't accept the observations of others. Please feel free to conduct your own blind testing, and to share the results with the forum.

That's fine, you needn't accept the observations of others. Please feel free to conduct your own blind testing, and to share the results with the forum.
Just to reiterate what I've already stated, I certainly do perform my own (with the help of an assistant) blind testing in cases where I hear (or believe I do) a difference, in order to confirm/deny my observation. 

But in cases where I'm *not* the one making a claim to hear a difference - and wire directionality is one such case - then in my view the onus ought to placed on the person (Geoff) making such claim, not the one (me) disputing it. 
... the onus ought to placed on the person (Geoff) making such claim, not the one (me) disputing it.
Sorry, but no one here is obligated to test anything for your benefit.
Sorry, but no one here is obligated to test anything for your benefit.


No apology necessary.

You should know, I happen to agree with you (quoted above) completely.

Thing is, it’s my assertion that the "benefit" actually lies with the person making the claim, not with the person disputing it.

And please know, in no way am I intentionally wanting to be obstinate in my thinking here. But being able to hear a difference when speaker wire is reversed? Seriously? And to write that in a thread devoted to "scientific double blinded cable test". How *un-scientific" can that statement be? LOL.