scientific double blinded cable test

Can somebody point to a scientific double blinded cable test?
... the onus ought to placed on the person (Geoff) making such claim, not the one (me) disputing it.
Sorry, but no one here is obligated to test anything for your benefit.
Sorry, but no one here is obligated to test anything for your benefit.


No apology necessary.

You should know, I happen to agree with you (quoted above) completely.

Thing is, it’s my assertion that the "benefit" actually lies with the person making the claim, not with the person disputing it.

And please know, in no way am I intentionally wanting to be obstinate in my thinking here. But being able to hear a difference when speaker wire is reversed? Seriously? And to write that in a thread devoted to "scientific double blinded cable test". How *un-scientific" can that statement be? LOL.

At NASA there is a strict regulation to observe directionality of cables. Otherwise
false discoveries could result like that at CERN where some neutrinos were faster than light.
At NASA there is a strict regulation to observe directionality of cables. Otherwise false discoveries could result like that at CERN where some neutrinos were faster than light.

Hi @nugat

And are the cables NASA uses where they must conform to strict regulation to observe directionality used as audio speaker wire?

Just for the record the assumption that the onus is on the person making the claim is an old wives tale. It’s a myth perpetrated by clever little Skeptic Scamps. And that’s precisely why you won’t see any court cases - ever - where someone somewhere decides to take some cable or tweak manufacturer to task legally over some preposterous-sounding claim or another. Want some prime examples? OK, Silver Rainbow Foil, Morphic Message Foils, Clever Little Clock, the Intelligent Chip, the Teleportation Tweak, Mpingo disc, the Blue Fuse, tiny little bowl resonators.

Besides it’s not as if I’m the only one making the claim. I’m afraid you’re going to have to demand that every single person who has reported positive results over the last twenty five years perform blind tests, including all the cable companies who are advanced enough in their thinking to control directionality of their cables and cords.